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Build Sustainable Precast Segment Lining With Fibre Reinforced Concrete

24.10.2022 von 17:30 - 18:00

Halle B0 |  | bauma Forum

Sprache: Englisch

Vortragsart: Vortrag


The assessment of concrete linings requires the definition of both the Sustainability Index and Mechanical Index To be considered a sustainable project today, design engineers are required to make conscious efforts to reduce the carbon footprint as well as provide for a minimum service life of structures they are designing. Concrete is recognized as the second most widely consumed commodity on the planet after water. It also contributes approximately 8% of global carbon emissions; the main source of these emissions is the manufacture of Ordinary Portland Cement (CEM I) In a tunnelling project, it is generally considered that 60% to 70% of embodied carbon is contained in the concrete linings of the shafts and tunnels. This is the reason why a great challenge for the coming years will be develop solution for low carbon lining. Recent project have demonstrated that structural ductility, durability and sustainability are going hand to hand , this combined  approach will be cleary a new booster for Fibre Reinforced Concrete.  This presentation will provide a state of the art and show some cases studies as Grand Paris Metro.  There has been a trend the last years that concrete tunnel linings have increased material consumption, cost and environmental loads.  Nowadays devevelop and/or improve tunnel construction methodolgy to choose the optimal tunnel lining, including environmental footprint and cost-effectiveness. Create required knowledge to produce final lining to meet new large infrastructure projects with modern demands to functionality including  100 year service life and environmental impact. The use of steel fibre reinforced concrete will highly participate to meet low carbon lining by concrete consumption and steel reinforcement saving. If ductility and durability have been the key words the last 40 years, sustainability will be the key driver for further FRC lining development in the coming years.