Zur Programmübersicht


Doka Media Night

24.10.2022 von 18:30 - 22:00

Freigelände | FN.421 | Pressetermine

Sprache: Deutsch

Vortragsart: Pressekonferenz


Doka and Umdasch Group Ventures, both divisions of the Umdasch Group, are pleased to welcome media representatives to our traditional Media Night. Discussions will focus on current topics such as sustainability and digitalization, and the latest initiatives from the Umdasch Group, including the decarbonization of the construction site and the recently launched product carbon footprint (PCF) data. Doka and Umdasch Group Ventures will also present news, products, and share information about the group’s latest innovations, such as slab formwork, scaffolding and 3D printing, during guided tours of the booth. Registration is required to attend the event. Email press@doka.com to secure your place.