Zur Programmübersicht


Join the e-volution @Keestrack

24.10.2022 von 17:00 - 19:30

Freigelände | FN.1017/1 | Pressetermine

Sprache: Englisch

Vortragsart: Pressekonferenz


All our press relations are invited to raise a glass with us. We would like to celebrate the introductions of our new crushing and screening equipment and give you the opportunity to meet the Keestrack-team, the equipment and to spend some informal time with your colleague journalists! We welcome you at Keestrack booth FN 1017/1 at 17h and will show you our innovations. A short presentation will be given showing you the innovations, the vision and growth of the company and the opportunities we see in the future. Of coarse the is time to answer all your questions as well. We would love to see each reporter interested in our industry at our booth.