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Discover all exhibitors and brands at bauma

You want to get an overview of the exhibitors at bauma? Are you looking for specific products or brands? Our comprehensive list of exhibitors offers you an up-to-date overview.

Everything in one place: the Exhibitor Directory

In the bauma exhibitor directory, we have compiled all the relevant information about the exhibitors and brands at bauma for you. In addition to top exhibitors, their contact details and interactive hall plans, you will also find products from the exhibitors and job postings.

Crowd in the open-air site with machines, banners and cranes in the background. Large sign:
© Messe München GmbH

Exhibition sectors

The world's leading trade fair bauma offers you a comprehensive platform for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment. Find out more about the exhibition sectors at bauma and innovations in the industry.