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Exhibitor badges

Here you find all necessary information about Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors, which you can order directly in our Exhibitor Shop.

The most important information at a glance:

  • Access via mobile ticket (cell phone ticket), no print ticket necessary
  • Ordering of exhibitor tickets possible at any time, also during the event via the exhibitor shop
  • Fully personalized tickets (company name, first and last name)
  • New: All Print@home tickets now entitle the ticket holder to use the local public transportation MVV (Zones M-6).

Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors

  • The Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors will feature the ticket holder's first and last name in addition to the company name. Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors will be ordered, delivered and invoiced online. Exhibitors will be charged only for the tickets actually used.
  • Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors can be ordered via the bauma Exhibitor Shop.
  • Please refer to the information in the Exhibitor Shop for the costs of Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors. Exhibitor tickets are for stand personnel only, may not be passed on to third parties and are non-transferable. In the event of misuse, Messe München GmbH is entitled to confiscate the exhibitor ticket. The inclusion of co-exhibitors does not increase the number of Print@home-Tickets for main exhibitors.
  • New: All Print@home tickets now entitle the ticket holder to use the local public transportation MVV (Zones M-6).
  • Each main exhibitor is allocated a certain quota of free Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors in the ticket portal. After the event, the tickets used will be charged minus the free tickets.
  • Please note: Both the free and chargeable tickets must be ordered via the Exhibitor Shop.
  • The construction of a second stand level does not increase the number of Print@home-Tickets.
  • The evaluation options in the exhibitor portal will be maintained and will be further supplemented if necessary.

Free Print@home-Tickets for main exhibitors

In the halls

Stand spaceExhibitor badges

up to 20 m²

floor space (ground floor level)

2 Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors

as from 21 m²

for every further 10 m²

1 Print@home-Ticket for exhibitors in addition

as from 101 m²

for every further 20 m²

1 Print@home-Ticket for exhibitors in addition

In the outdoor exhibition area

Stand spaceExhibitor badges

up to 500 m²

floor space (ground flor level) for each additional 100 m² or part thereof

2 Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors

as from 501 m²

for each additional 100 m² or part thereof

2 Print@home-Tickets for exhibitors in addition

as from 1.001 m²

for each additional 100 m² or part thereof

1 Print@home-Ticket for exhibitors in addition

Free Print@home-Tickets for co-exhibitors

In the halls/in the outdoor exhibition area

Stand spaceExhibitor badges

independent of stand size

1 Print@home-Ticket for each co-exhibitor