bauma vouchers to retain and win customers

You would like to increase booth traffic? We offer you the highest standards of professionalism in managing invitations bauma. The basis: three options to send bauma vouchers as customer retention and acquisition tool. Shipment by ticket system, online voucher via e-mail or printed by mail: simply choose the option that suits you and your clients best.

The contents of this page refer to bauma 2022. Information on bauma 2025 will follow here in due course.

For an invitation management that is even more successful

We have added another handling option for bauma vouchers: the shipment via the online campaign tool of our ticket system.

When ordering online vouchers, you have the possibility to send these directly to your clients—without having to set up an own shipment campaign. This is the simplest, quickest and safest way for you to bind existing customers and attract new ones.

The three bauma voucher options

Sending online vouchers via the ticket system

Easy and efficient: sending online vouchers via the online campaign tool of the ticket system demands minimal effort but provides maximum benefits.

More on option 1

 Icon Ticket via Kampagnentool

Sending online vouchers by e-mail

Professional invitation management with individual configuration options: see the advantages that the e-mail dispatch offers.

More on option 2

Icon tickets via email

Sending online vouchers by mail

Invitation management in printed form: sending online vouchers by mail to retain and acquire customers.

More on option 3

Ticket icon via post