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Prices & Conditions

Get an overview of the prices and costs for your presence at bauma and which conditions apply.

Your presence at bauma

Use this opportunity as an exhibitor to showcase your company, products, and services to the international market.

You are sure to receive huge interest and real demand from the bauma visitors here. Manage relationships with your customers, make new contacts, and benefit from long-term positive business prospects at bauma.

We look forward to seeing you at bauma 2025 as one of our exhibitors!

Main exhibitors

The participation fees are net prices per square meter of floor space. The participation fee does not include stand construction.

In the hall (minimum size: 20 m²)

Stand type20 m² and more

Row stand


Corner stand


Fees are net prices per square meter of floor space.
Stand type20 m² and more500 m² and more

End stand



Island stand



Fees are net prices per square meter of floor space.

Two-storey stand construction (hall)

For two-story stand constructions in the hall, the fee for every square meter of the second floor is €110.00.

In the outdoor area (minimum size: 100 m²)


100–499 m²


500–999 m²


1,000 m² and more


Fees are net prices per square meter of floor space.

Additional costs


Application fee main exhibitors


Mandatory communication fee


Marketing fee


Advance payment for services
• in the hall
• in the outdoor area


AUMA fee


Fee for waste disposal (assembly, dismantling and during event)

€8.00/m² (hall)
€6.50/m² (outdoor area)

Container space* (storage container / refrigerated truck)

flat rate: €1,200

*can only be booked on request


Co-exhibitors need to register via the main exhibitor. Please contact your main exhibitor regarding the registration modalities.

Official deadline for applying as co-exhibitor: 13 December 2024

Later registrations are gladly accepted. However, co-exhibitors can then only be included in the electronic media.


Application fee per co-exhibitor


Mandatory communication fee


The mandatory communication fee and the registration fee for co-exhibitors will be invoiced to the main exhibitor either with the admission invoice or the final invoice. Please see item B3 of the Special Terms of Participation.

Budget planner

Would you like to calculate your overall cost for the participation in bauma?

With our online budget planner, you can plan your trade fair budget quickly and reliably.

Please note that the costs for the technical services reflect the current status quo and are still subject to change.