The focus days of the bauma FORUM 2022 investigated each key topic from a range of different perspectives. Representatives from the industry, researchers and the start-up community discussed the issues that are moving the industry and will shape the future in state-of-the art presentations, keynote speeches and podium discussions.
The key topics were not only covered at the trade fair, but also digitally in the run-up to bauma. In the bauma TALK webinars, experts talked about the future of the construction machinery industry and the current trends. Take a look now and see what progress will be made in 2025.
Around the world, the construction machinery industry is tackling the challenges of today. The primary goal is to lower the amount of carbon dioxide released during the production of cement. Demolition materials should be better processed and reused in the future. New materials are also appearing on the scene.
3D printing, modular construction and new materials: The construction machinery industry and the mining industry are developing innovative construction methods and material solutions.
bauma TALK: Construction methods and materials of tomorrow
Press release: Construction processes and materials for the challenges of our time
The development of autonomous machinery for construction sites and mining operations is taking huge leaps forward, even if there is still a long way to go until full automation is reached. Automating and digitalizing construction processes and machinery will reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and ensure productivity in this age of skilled-worker shortages.
Human machine interfaces (HMI), assistant and safety systems, construction site robots and the downsizing trend: There are many milestones that still must be reached on the way to developing autonomous construction machinery and autonomous underground mining equipment.
How can mining profit from its digitalization and automation edge in the future? The mining industry already has a standard that is being used in the manufacturing process: open platform communication – unified architecture, or OPC UA. At the same time, environmental compatibility and recultivation are creating new challenges for the industry.
As the leading platform for the mining industry, bauma will focus intensely on the questions of the future for the mining industry for you. Live demonstrations will be complemented by the presentation of new research findings.
Digital planning and construction processes promise to create increased environmental protection, safety and, not least, cost effectiveness to go along with efficiency. The key pre-condition for these gains is a manufacturer-independent communication standard for machine-to-machine communications (M2M).
Data management, BIM, virtual and augmented reality and digital twins are increasingly playing a crucial role in the successful digital work on construction and mining sites.
MiC 4.0 - The Machines in Construction 4.0 working group was celebrating its premiere at bauma in the Innovation Hall bauma LAB0. Eleven member companies presented the results of their MIC 4.0 BUS project - a milestone in the direction of 'attachment as IoT device'.
One goal for everyone – reducing greenhouse-gas emissions in the construction and construction machinery industry to zero.
Driving and working with hybrid and all-electric vehicles and construction machinery are two of the high-potential ways to cut emissions in the construction business. This is also the case with the development of CO2-reduced construction materials.